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Download Trailer in Specific Language

If you want trailers to be downloaded in a specific language, you can use the below steps to instruct Trailarr to try searching for trailers in that language.


This is not a foolproof method as it depends on multiple factors like:

  • availability of the trailer in that language on YouTube
  • YouTube returning that result when searched using the search query
  • whether it matches the other filters like duration, quality, etc.

To do this, navigate to Settings > Trailer > Advanced and change the following settings:

  • Trailer Always Search to True.


    This setting will tell Trailarr to not use the YouTube trailer id from Radarr/Sonarr. Instead, it will search for the trailer based on the YouTube Search Query setting.

  • YouTube Search Query to the specify desired language like {title} {year} {is_movie} French trailer.


    The {title}, {year}, {is_movie} are placeholders that will be replaced with the actual values. The language can be any language like French, Spanish, German, etc.

Once you have updated these settings, any trailers downloaded afterwards will be searched using the new search query.


This will not impact any trailers that have already been downloaded.

YouTube Cookies

If you are having issues downloading trailers due to age restrictions, bot detection, etc., you can save your YouTube cookies and set the Yt-dlp Cookies Path to cookies.txt file containing YouTube cookies. This will allow the app to use the cookies to bypass restrictions.

YouTube rotates cookies frequently on open YouTube browser tabs as a security measure. To export cookies that will remain working with yt-dlp, you will need to export cookies in such a way that they are never rotated.


This is a hack to bypass YouTube restrictions and it might not always work. There is nothing Trailarr can do in those situations.

Export YouTube Cookies.txt file

The suggested way to get the cookies file is:

  1. Open Firefox/Chrome browser.
  2. Install a cookies exporter extension like Chrome: Get Cookies.txt locally or Firefox: Get Cookies.txt locally or any other cookies exporter extension.
  3. Open an incognito/private browsing window and login to Youtube.
  4. Open a new tab and close the YouTube tab.
  5. Export the cookies to a file say cookies.txt by setting Export Format to Netscape.
  6. Then close the private browsing/incognito window so the session is never opened in the browser again.
  7. Save/Copy that cookies file to Trailarr App data folder. For example, if you mapped /var/appdata/trailarr to /config in the container, save the cookies file in /var/appdata/trailarr folder.
  8. Now open Trailarr in browser and navigate to Settings > Trailer. Under Advanced settings, set Yt-dlp Cookies Path to /config/cookies.txt (if you saved the file in /var/appdata/trailarr folder).
  9. Any new trailers downloaded will use the cookies to bypass restrictions.

See below for more info regarding youtube downloaders and cookies:


Make sure to save the cookies file in a secure location and map the volume to the container. Set the path to the cookies file in Yt-dlp Cookies Path setting.